Friday, January 27, 2012

2012 Resolutions - still here? Anyone? Anyone?

So it is the last week of has your New Year's resolutions fared out?  It's funny how we are creatures of habits and change demands your full attention and commitment.  Do you find yourself slipping back to where you were before?  Or are you still trekking along, but are not seeing much results or are lacking some motivation?

I'm stuck in between the 2 myself and I believe I'm getting around the hump of a lackluster start to the New Year.  Part of the issue was I really enjoyed the off season, a bit too much.  The food was good, the sleeping was joyful and staying warm was inviting.  Add to the part of traveling 2000 miles back and forth via driving to Colorado in the last week of December sure added to the slack-off.

Part of re-igniting the fuel was to really look at the calendar and notice how much time I really had before my next race.  I also decided to work on my training regimen and scheduling it out (see my previous post about per sport training).  Eating properly has gone from 50% of the time, to about 70%.  I believe we should be in the 80-85% eating properly, allowing the 15-20% of enjoying and rewarding yourself with savory tastes.

What is keeping you from maintaining your fitness goals? Are you skipping out on workouts? Take a look at this checklist and see what you can incorporate into your daily life to maintain your goals and avoid getting sabatoged into the "excuse land".
- Register for an event.  Whatever it is....and then set a goal.  Doing a 5k? Post on facebook that you have signed up for a 5k, invite others to join you and set a realistic goal that you are going to be accountable for (sub 24 minutes?).
- Pack your gear ahead of time.  If you plan to workout before/lunch/after work, be sure to have all the essentials ready to go in a backpack
- Squeeze in workouts where you can.  I am blessed to have a job that has me at my desk at times so I can go for a bike ride or run during lunch and I can follow up with a small meal while at my desk working afterwards.  If you drive for work, invest in a bike rack or put it in tow and go for the same lunch ride.  Start by the nearest park so that when you are done, you can change and do the "sink shower".
- Pack your lunch ahead of time.  This goes with the first point.
- Incorporate bike rides into your daily appointments.  I once rode my bike to church with a backpack.  I changed at church and the wife and kids showed up in the car (with the bike rack).  I hitched the ride home afterwards.  This Saturday I am going to ride my bike to my grandparents for a party and the wife and kids will show up with vehicle to join in the fun.
- Incorporate bike / runs with your kids-pets.  Bradyn and Titus gets to ride their bikes while I run.  Last saturday, I did a 4 mile run while Bradyn rode his motorized razor scooter.  Instead of just taking Hadyn, our golden doodle dog, for walk, we usually go for a 5k run.
- Wake up earlier then normal to do morning workouts.  It is really hard at first, but by week 2 you will use to it.  But buyer beware, ensure you go to bed earlier to catch the 7-8 hours of beauty sleep.  You need it.
- Drink lots of water.  I used to be good at this by carrying the jug with me wherever I went.  Be sure to use good water (not tap), so that you enjoy the refreshing taste and not have to gag at it.  You will feel so much better and it will motivate you to continue working at your goals.
- Avoid driving somewhere to go workout.  That creates excuses and time lost.  Run from your office.  Bike from home.

These are the few elements that keep me in check and strive to continue on.  Some days are great, some are hard, but with a good plan-backbone, we shall see results coming our way. 

Happy New Year's resolutions and stay on TARGET!

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