Wednesday, April 4, 2012

March Madness Weight loss

March came and it was time to lose a little more weight to get leaner, faster, stronger!  I decided to go for a 30 day concentrated effort to see where I would end up.

I'm a big believer in losing it slowly and doing the healthy way.  I started January 1st 2008 @ 245lbs. - 5'10".  I flucuated lower and higher within the year, but found that I was pretty consistant on getting lower and lower.

Jan - 2009: 215lbs.
Jan - 2010: 210 lbs.
Jan - 2011: 215 lbs.
Jan - 2012: 198 lbs.

March 1st I weighed in at 193 and felt pretty good.  I had held that weight since late January and been feeling ok with my workouts.  I wanted to get into the 180's as my next step.  By March 31st, I had checked in at 182.6 - 10.4 lbs.

March 3rd BEFORE

Here were my continued efforts and notes:
- Back to calorie counting!  By using my iPad app - MyFitnessPal, I was able to get my head in the game of ensuring what I was going in my mouth was accounted for.  It is so easy to "lose" track of the snacks that get snatched up before you can even think twice about.  About 2 weeks into it, I did slack off a bit as I was in the routine of eating conciously (and eating similar meals/snacks over and over) and didn't need to calorie count as much.  I did do it from time to time to check myself.  I'm sure if I kept it up, I would of done even better.

- Enjoyed myself from time to time.  I avoided the whole "Cheat Day" as I believe it tends to re-build bad habits, but instead enjoyed a dinner or lunch that was on the satisfying side.  Everytime I did that splurge, my body felt pretty bad about it.  So by the next feeding time, I was choosing more wisely.

- Excercise.  I cut the running miles down a bit and increased the speed.  I was doing 8:45-9:15 min/mi. for most of Jan and Feb.  Because I had built a solid base of slower speed running, I felt okay pushing the limits.  During Jan/Feb, whenever I pushed the limits, I got hip pain and shin splints.  Not anymore.  I had a couple of shorter runs @ 7:30 min/mi. and even a 7 mile run @ 8:23 min/mi.   I smashed my 7min PR by over 3 minutes!  I believe by increasing speed, it jolted my body into some increased metabolism.  Once I had woken my body up from the normal routine, I immediately saw the weight and mirror results.

-  Water.  Drank more and more of it this month.  Kept my jug around me as much as possible.  Taking a swig right now.

- Juice detox.  My wife is currently doing a Juice detox that uses a juicer to extract from mainly vegetables and some fruit.  I had a couple here and there as meal replacements.  Primarily on off days, or easy rides/runs. 

- Enjoyed some carbs.  I included some carbs in my diet to be balanced.  I believe eating a balanced diet allowed my body to burn and use a variety of fuel.  Remember to run faster, you are using your aerobic efforts that is looking for fuel in the form of sugar/carbs as well as protein in the end.

- Breakfast.  I usually eat breakfast, but I have switching it up a little bit. Primarily I have been eating some subway sandwiches with egg whites and veggies.  I'm pre-loading the calories in the morning, and slimming them down as the day goes.  I obviously add in calories when I work out.

- Doing multiple workouts.  I bike at lunch.  And I run after work or at night.  I do pushups when the hot water is warming up for the shower.  I do some dumbells during commercials.  I go for walks.  I keep moving along all day.  I drink so much water, I have to get up from my work chair to go #1.  Keeps me from sitting too long in one place!

I'll post an after picture for March Madness weight loss.  I can tell you, the last few pounds are definitely hard to lose.  Everything I have done the past 4 years, is now magnified x2.  Eating that cookie used to be okay, but now I feel that it shows up in my progress real easily.  By honing it in little by little and doing the above routines, I feel like there is an end goal in sight.  I personally don't want to be "skinny"; I would like to lose the love handles and gain some speed on my running (hopefully in the 7 min/mi. range).  At this time, the weight number is what I have to work with.

All in all, with my current workouts and building muscle I was aware of not paying too much attention to weight.  I also made sure I gave myself positive movement by looking in the mirror and not at the scale only. 

What tips do you have on getting slimmed down?

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